Let us honour our Mothertongue this International Mother Language Day on 21st February, 2022! Find out how .........


The first language that a baby learns right from his or her birth is termed as the birth language and thus, plays a crucial role in our lives for a wide array of reasons. The language we first learn is that used in the home. Mother is the first to speak to the child and his/ her interlocutor for most of the time. The language used by her is the mother tongue. Importance of mother tongue for initiation into formal education has thus gained significance.

Scientific Research has established that when we speak in our mother tongue, a direct connection is established between the heart, brain and tongue. Our mother tongue is the language we use to think, dream and feel emotion.

Let us look at five reasons and understand why it is important to know your mother tongue well:

Intellectual Development 

Studies have shown that cognitive & intellectual development are comparatively faster in those who are fluent in their mother tongue. Thus, for a student educated in his/her mother tongue, the rate of educational success is higher than someone who is taught in a different medium other than their mother tongue.

Better connection with your culture 

Languages are the most important way of keeping our individual cultures alive. Often the direct translation of one language to another might not carry the same essence as it is in the source language. Thus, the best way to thoroughly know about a culture is to know the language which is associated with it. Our Mother tongue helps us stay connected to our culture and our roots.

Second language expertise 

If one has a firm grasp of his/her mother tongue, it is easier for him or her to master a new language. When a child reads out in his/her mother tongue since childhood, he or she would have stronger literacy skills in other languages as well.

Commercial benefits 

As the slogan of "Vocal for Local" gains popularity & businesses go the local way, the importance of mother tongues has exponentially increased. Thus, in such a scenario, having a firm understanding of your mother tongue where you know how to read and write is immensely helpful if you are interested in becoming a local entrepreneur. The opportunities related to monetizing with the help of one’s mother tongues are vast in today’s market scenario.

This is more true in our country where about 6% of our population can read or write in English. Thus, it has thus become imperative for all Government Portals to have Indian Language content, so that they can reach out to the teeming millions of our fellow countrymen.

Finally, our Pride 

Knowing your mother tongue well is a matter of pride. It boosts one’s confidence and creates awareness in the individual’s mind while also helping them connect with their cultural identity in a better manner.

Thus, our love for our Mother culminates into our love for our Mother tongue & finally our Motherland.

All said & done, we take this opportunity to ask you one final question!

Do you love your Mother tongue?

If so, have you ever purchased a Multilingual (Indian Language) software for your Home PC or Mac?

If not, buy one before the International Mother Language Day on 21st February, 2022 & honour your Mothertongue. By this single act you will also pledge your support for our domestic Software Industry in which extremely gifted Programmers are relentlessly working to develop path breaking Applications in Indian Languages.

Let us remember that these boys & girls have chosen to stay in our country to give shape to their dreams. Let us honour them by purchasing the products they have created. The money you spend in the process will also stay in our country & help our domestic Software Industry to survive & grow inspite of the relentless onslaught from Multinationals.


To know more about our Special Offer for International Mother Language Day, contact:


 Chandan Datta, Compu Care Infotech

 Address: B'C'#3, Block-II, 2nd Floor, 'Calcutta Greens Commercial Complex', 1050/2, Survey Park,   Kolkata-700 075 (Landline: 033-2432 0619; Mobile: +9198300 40811; E-Mail: dattachandan1960@gmail.com; Website: http:\\compucare4u.business.site)



* Specialists in Multilingual Softwares

* 35 Years in your Service

* Offering  reputed brands like 'Indica', '4C-Plus',   'Bijoy', 'ISM Office', 'InPage', 'Shree-Lipi'


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